Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Jo Kernon

Jo Kernon will be collaborating in B a r e f o o t  D i a l o g u e s with Helena Fox, Natasha Solomons and Richard Rosch over the inwithbetween weekend. Her work The Books I Haven't Read will be at The Old Boot Factory from 28-30th September. Jo will also be sharing her working processes and inspiration in a short talk at Art Jericho from 7pm on 30th September.

Her work tends to ask questions, offer statements, images and gestures with the intention of slightly shifting our perceptions; to encourage reflection and connection with the poetic.

"I would consider myself an artist and a quiet activist for social change. My newly emerging social sculpture art practice circles conventional forms of painting, drawing and sculpture and  is  moving into video, intervention, performance and collaboration". 
