Behind the Scenes.
The viewer is invited to enter a blacked-out room containing seeds arranged on decayed doors stripped of their paint, boxes, an old fireplace, and tables. These seeds seen under the magnifying viewing mask invite us to imagine other images and imaginary worlds. They are arranged in such a way they beg the spectator to collaborate with them. This work draws attention to the transient beauty of a natural world frequently unseen-the aesthetic in wabi sabi philosophy.
Shown at the Old Boot Factory, 102-104 St. Mary Road, Oxford. 28th - 30th September 2011.
Barefoot Dialogues.
Four artists, Helena Fox, Richard Rosch, Jo Kernon and Natasha Solomons, invited the public to join them in barefoot walks from Jericho to Port Meadow. The creation of narratives emerged from the activities in the landscape which in turn became mapped by them.
30th September, 1st October, 2nd October 2011