Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Richard Rosch

In a world consisting of fuzzy clouds of protons and electrons, we construct a perceptual reality of concrete objects and impermeable boundaries. From the skin wrapped around our bones to the Border Agents guarding the island, we have learnt to understand the space around and between us as a map of limits and delineations. And forgotten how to look in another way.

Richard Rosch is an artistneuroscientist, virtual collector, and medical student. He wanders curiously around the world looking for things that make it cohere and marvelling at the poeticism of those instances when it does. In his recent work, he investigates how we own and separate the property from one another in order to figure out how to stitch it back together. He will need help with that - join him for any of the following events.

Beyond the Evidence Base
talk and discussions
29/09 - 7.30pm

London Wall
27/09 to 01/10
Oxford Central Library

East to West
27/09 - 7.30pm
30/09 - 11.30pm

Barefoot Dialogues
walks and talks
30/09 - 12.30pm
01/10 - 11.30am and 4.30pm
02/10 - 2.30pm